VATECH is in Middle East now
Mr. Joel Lee and David Baek were on business trip to several Middle East countries such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Dubai.
Mr. Baek is in charge of customer satisfaction at this area. The main purpose of this business trip was for listening to customer’s voice at the field.
The first country they visited was Jordan. Especially they were impressed by the effort which VATECH flying from Korea to support.
The second country they visited was Saudi Arabia to share how to use our machine and inspection.
One of our partners said that the best parts of VATECH machine are easy installation and image quality.
The last country they visited was Dubai to visit the 1st PaX-i3D Green installed Clinic.
After coming back from the long trip, Mr. Baek’s said,
“Our partners said they got solutions from me, but I believe that I learned from this experience more than them. By communicating with engineers at field, I could broaden my horizon. I could get a lot of real information and cases from the field.”
As he wishes, we hope our partners can easily communicate with VATECH family and share their knowledge.