VATECH in 2011 FDI mexico
[VATECH in 2011 FDI mexico]
Oct 18, 2011
VATECH Global Co., Ltd. (CEO: Mr. SB Kim /, a leading global dental company dedicated to sales and services will take part in FDI Annual World Dental Congress to be held in Mexico City, Mexico on the 14th to the 17th of September 2011.
FDI Annual World Dental Congress is one of the world’s leading dental gatherings with the participation of more than 10,000 dentists from over 100 countries. This congress showcases a variety of dental events such as scientific seminars and promotional exhibitions. As such, this will be the prime meeting point of the year for all leaders and key individuals in the dental profession, trade and industry.
<Many young people visited our booth> <Catalogues of various models are displayed>
During this event, Vatech Global booth was lacated at NO.508.
VATECH Global displayed a full range of products at the Centro Banamex Convention and Exhibition Centre. VATECH Global will put on exhibit 4 of its leading-edge products: EzSensor, the Intraoral sensor; PaX-Primo, a dedicated digital panoramic X-ray system; PaX-400C, a panoramic and cephalometric X-ray system; and PaX-Duo3D, an optimized CBCT system with the latest 3D imaging technology.
Many people were highly interested in EzSensor(Intra-oral sensor).
< Our booth appearance> <SW introduction by Mr. Nilo>
Many Mexican doctors and students visited our booth from the first day 14th to the last day 17th.
Especially Dr. Bianchi and Dr. Becerra who are very key opinion leader in Latin America stayed at our booth and talked about their future business with doctors.
To each visitor to our booth, we provided mobile screen cleaner as souvenir.
Other companies caught visitors’ attention were Colgate and Oral B due to big present including tooth brush, toothpaste, gargle and so on.
On the second day, on 15th,, while the exhibition hall was filled with excitement, Vatech Night was held at the Hotel Presidente Intercontinental for the invited doctors and dealers.
In this event, Vatech Global’s road map and products were introduced, as well as a showcase of the prepared program such as the Korean traditional performance, Lucky draw, etc
Almost 170 participants were coming which means 70 people more than we expected.
Three of very important opinion leaders in Mexico, Dr. Victor (ADM previous president), Dr. Jaime (ADM current president) and Dr. Ayub (AMIC president) maintained their position.
People were freely conversation with other participants and enjoyed.
With this FDI 2011 participation, Vatech Global is expected to enter Latin American market.