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- 05 Vatech co., Ltd, established an expanded Western branch in the USA
- 02 Vatech co., Ltd, donated A9 for St. Benedict Health Centre in Uganda
- 03 Vatech co., Ltd, designated as an excellent disclosure corporation by Korea Exchange
- 04 A9 approved by the FDA
- 03 Obtainment of a development project(CNT) from Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement
- 04 Selected as the Best Enterprise Research Institute by Ministry of Science and ICT
- 11 Won an industrial research award(IP52)
- 04Development of low dose, small CT scanner capable of pneumonia diagnosis
- 01Selected as the Youth-Friendly Small Business Enterprise by Ministry of Employment and Labor
- 04Vatech Co., Ltd, established its Czech corporation and education centre
- 04 Vatech Co., Ltd, achievement of the largest patent application in the dental imaging field for 6 years
- 06Vatech Co., Ltd, Global logistics center construction completed
- 04Vatech Co., Ltd, No. 1 patent application worldwide in dental imaging for 5 years
- 02 Declared brand new CI
- 09 Won the CSV(Creating Shared Value) Porter Award
- 03 Signed an export contract with major Chinese medical company
- 02 Awarded with the 100 Million Dollar Export Tower Trophy
- DecVatech Co. Ltd., Vatech Global Merger
- JuneAwarded Korea KOSDAQ Grand Prize (KOSDAQ Association)
- DecSelected as a world-class product and production enterprise for 7 consecutive years (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
- NovGrand Prize in Patent Management awarded by the Ministry of Science and ICT
- AugAwarded the Sharing Happiness Grand Prize by Happy Company Korea
- JulySelected as a World Class Top 300 company by the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT)
- DecSelected as a world-class product and production enterprise for 6 consecutive years (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
- NovExtension of family-friendly certified company status (Ministry of Gender Equality and Family)
- SeptLaunched smart dental CT PaX-i3D Smart
- MayLaunched low dose premium CT PaX-i3D Green Premium
- DecSelected as a world-class product and production enterprise for 5 consecutive years (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
- SeptWinner of the 4th annual Vibrant KOSDAQ Healthcare Sector Prize (Herald Corporation Korea)
- MayVatech Launched low dose CT PaX-i3D Green
- AprEstablished Vatech Ewoo Central Research Center
- DecSelected as a world-class product and production enterprise for 6 consecutive years (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
- OctSelected as an “Excellent Success” in the 2012 Greenhouse Gas & Green SCM Project (Small and Medium Business Administration)
- OctVatech selected for PaX-i Good Design (GD)
- JuneInauguration of President Oh Sehong
- DecSelected as a world-class product and production enterprise for 3 consecutive years (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
- NovExtension of family-friendly certified company status (Ministry of Gender Equality and Family)
- MayConstruction of Vatech headquarters building, Completion of Vatec Networks head office
- NovAwarded the $50 Million Export Tower Award
- AugVatech Co. Ltd., Vatech Ewoo Dental merger
- MarPaX-Primo awarded Reddot Award in Germany, PaX-Reve3D awarded IDEA Award in USA
- MarReceived the Taxpayers’ Day Minister’s Award from the Ministry of Strategy and Finance
- DecSelected as a world-class product and production enterprise (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
- DecPaX-Primo Awarded iF Design Award in Germany, Selected as a Korean Luxury Brand
- NovAwarded the $30 Million Export Tower Award by Trade Day
- OctYonsei University and Vatech established “Vision Research Institute” for researching new technology for dental imaging
- JulyWon Best Place to Work—Small and Medium Business Award (Korea Labor Foundation)
- MayAwarded the second Medical Device Day Prime Minister’s Award
- NovJoint development ultra-precision digital X-ray detector with Samsung Electronics
- SeptLaunched world’s first 3 in 1 digital X-ray system
(Korea: Implagraphy/Overseas: Picasso-Trio)
- JuneThe first digital panorama in Korea, the PaX-300, was selected as a next-generation world-class product
- MarChanged name to VATECH Co., Ltd. to enter the dental digital X-ray market
- AprEstablished Vatech System Corporation
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