Vatech announces special personnel promotions, launch of joint management system
Vatech announces special personnel promotions, launch of joint management system
Soo-Keun Park promoted as general manager of Vatech
Vatech Inc., (CEO: Chang-Joon Ro) announced its special promotions of personnel and introduction of the joint management system on the 2nd.
In this personnel administration, president Soo-Keun Park became co-chairman with Chang-Joon Ro after having been promoted as general manager of the global business division, R&D center, and center for production, supply, finance, and management.
In addition, Managing Director Jae-Yuon Park was promoted as president of the R&D center, Director Seong-Ho Kim, as chief of the business strategy planning office, Director Dae-Young Jung, as chief of the business management center, Manager Young-Il Choi, as head of the finance team, and Deputy Manager Yoon-Ki Lee, as chief of the accounting team.
Furthermore, Vatech established additional personnel system for manufacturing jobs and promoted 34 engineers and 19 managers from among the employees in the manufacturing division.
“This personnel administration has significant meaning in terms of securing the independent viability of each business division and beginning the joint management system,” Director Dae-Young Jung said.