VATECH Global Company track meet "Yes! We are Together!"
On 27th of May, 2014, VATECH Global had the 1st Company track meet near office.
VATECH Global participated in the 12th VATECH Networks Anniversary on the same day in the morning and all members moved to the playground near the office.
The committee of track meet divided members as of two parties “Blue & White”. To show their power of unity, they were wearing the same colored t-shirts.
The Company track meet was started with warming up not to have any injury. All members are looking at each other and follow how they do.
The impressive game was “Arm-wrestling”. After the game, the strongest woman was identified and she won the MVP prizes.
[Warming up together]
A three-legged race could show how they could walk together. In my personal opinion, this was the best game to see power of unity. Even if a person fell down, another lifted up the person and they started to walk again!
That is the spirit of VATECH Global.
VATECH Guinness, Soccer, Dodge ball, Tug-of war and Relay were following the game.
Even though the weather was amazingly hot, people were encouraging each other and cheering up during the games.