SW technology for a more convenient world
Introducing Vatech's machine learning & image processing technology that helps fast and accurate diagnosis.
Differentiate your clinic workflow
Vatech's machine learning & image processing technology brand Davis.
Davis, an AI assistant specialized in the dental field, helps the clinics diagnose more accurately and work more quickly.
Tracing with DAVIS
Get the Time-consuming tasks done in 1 minute with a single click!
With Davis, the tracing required when planning orthodontic treatments is dramatically faster and simpler.
Davies provides an Auto Tracing function that automatically takes the tracing necessary for orthodontic treatments by analyzing the patient's teeth, bones, and skeleton with AI.
Ewoosoft, an affiliated dental software company with Vatech, and Yonsei University College of University Hospital co-developed this technology. And, this technology was the first dental software to receive AI certification from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

Segmentation with DAVIS
Get the 3D volume automatically in just 2 minutes!
Davis' Teeth & Bone Segmentation is a function that automatically separates teeth and bones in 3D from CT images.
Surgery simulation for extraction, implant placement, orthodontic treatment, and sleep apnea, which used to take hours in the past, is now much easier and faster.